What do pandas eat?


This started with the book called What’s good for the goose is not good for the panda, by Lavender Laine, which you can read on Violet’s Vegan Comics website for free. I am inspired by the collage methods in that book, to make pandas out of things I had around the house, and then look further into the universe at other artists who made panda collages.

Here is Patty Panda:

The book the illustrator uses paper, and fabric.

Buttons, towels and sacking.



Kitchen paper, yarn, a ruler.

Selected fabrics.

All examples from the book, to show them without spoiling the story. You can see, there are many collage ideas in it, and the meaning that all creatures are different, and we should not experiment on animals. That is why the book was written. It is beautiful, one of my favourite art books.

My website is to try the possibilities of collage, and inspired by that book. I encourage you to read the book, it is a great book.

I want to make my own pandas, and show panda collage of the world.


Join me and see what pandas we can make out of things around the house.

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